Seeking your Vote for Cheshire District 8 State House Representative
Please look over these pages and reach out with your observations and concerns. I mean to represent the citizen of our district. I will stand against the special interest groups that promote outside agendas, often contrary the needs, rights and will of our voters. l will not forget that our legislature has been tasked to write our laws, and not farm the duty out to corporate lobbyists.
I support the 2024 NH Democratic platform, as it creates a true bridge to a sustainable future for all. It will benefit every citizen and every taxpayer that seeks to enjoy the fruits of our own labor.
Our government should never be for sale. Representatives need to listen to the voters and act on their conscience, rather than auctioning their principles to the highest bidder. Naturally, I will not be accepting any corporate contributions or PAC funding. My intent is to represent the people of Marlborough and Troy, not special interests.
I look forward to your support and your vote.
Lucius Parshall