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I have recently retired from 20 years as a public school music teacher, the last couple right here in Marlborough. Prior to that I worked as an arts administrator, Grant-writer for New York Public Radio and Executive Director for the Cummington Arts Colony in Massachusetts. 


Along the way I have picked up various degrees and certifications, including a Bachelors of Music from Ithaca College, a MBA from SUNY Binghamton, and teaching credentials from Keene State College. 


Rounding out my employment history, I’ve worked several colorful jobs, including stints as a chef, ranch hand, and in just about every aspect of the wine industry in my native upstate New York. I’ve often said that you don't learn anything by traveling first class, and I have been blessed with living in interesting times.


In moving to New Hampshire thirty years ago I discovered contra and Morris dancing, and they still sustain me. I have played guitar for over a half-century and still derive great joy from it. I was influenced by the folk singers of the sixties, both musically and politically. My wife and I happily moved from Keene to Marlborough about three years ago, and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. 

To the left is a memorial for the victims of the Pulse Massacre in Orlando, 2016.
This event took place at the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church, where I served as board president as well as filling in as musician.



We are a nation of immigrants, and those that are fleeing their homelands deserve better than to be caged like animals and have their children torn from their arms. We are better than this.
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I don't subscribe to all work and no play. Here I am watching the back of a fellow Marlboro citizen as we engage in the ancient tradition of English Morris dancing. I've also been known to gather with friends around Marlborough to sing traditional pub songs.
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